I’ll Help You Get Up To $250,000 In Business Funding To Build Your Dream Business

...Or to infuse cash into your existing business

Watch the video above to learn how to get access to the funding and expert business strategy you need to grow and scale your venture

I’ll Help You Get Up To $250,000 In Business Funding To Build Your Dream Business

...Or to infuse cash into your existing business

Watch the video below to learn how to get access to the funding and expert business strategy you need to grow and scale your venture

Break The Chains Of Financial Struggle and Achieve Your Dreams…

Listen up, future business leaders! Too many of you are stuck in the same old rut, letting a lack of funding and digital chaos keep you from achieving your business dreams…

Staying in this weak state It’s holding you back from greatness and just piling on more and more frustration. It’s time to break free…

Blow past these roadblocks and unleash your true potential. Take control of your financial future and your business destiny.

I’ll show you how to secure the funding and support you to turn your dreams into reality, empowering you to build that unstoppable, successful business you’ve always envisioned. No more excuses!

Break The Chains Of Financial Struggle and Achieve Your Dreams…

Listen up, future business leaders! Too many of you are stuck in the same old rut, letting a lack of funding and digital chaos keep you from achieving your business dreams…

Staying in this weak state It’s holding you back from greatness and just piling on more and more frustration. It’s time to break free…

Blow past these roadblocks and unleash your true potential. Take control of your financial future and your business destiny.

I’ll show you how to secure the funding and support you to turn your dreams into reality, empowering you to build that unstoppable, successful business you’ve always envisioned. No more excuses!

Just 4 Steps To Get You Up To A Quarter Million Dollars In Funding - In 45 Days Or Less

step 1

Crafting Your Custom Game Plan

We start by understanding your unique credit profile. We review your credit score and profile from all three bureaus, plugging that info into my Google Sheet Master Template. This helps us determine how ready you are for your first round of funding and tailor the plan to fit your specific needs.

step 2

Fixing or Developing Your Credit

Gain the highest possible chance of approval by fixing or developing your FICO score and profile. This step ensures your credit is in top shape, setting a solid foundation for securing business funding.

step 3

Registering Your LLC/C-Corp

Next, we help you register your LLC or C-Corp with the proper NAICS code and name. Banks are very picky about certain industries and business names, and getting this right is crucial. We’ll also get your IRS EIN number, so you can open bank accounts without hassle.

step 4

Securing Your


Finally, we guide you through the application process for funding, both online and in person. With our mentorship, you’ll know exactly how to present yourself and your business to maximize your chances of getting funded.

Just 4 Steps To Get You Up To A Quarter Million Dollars In Funding - In 45 Days Or Less

step 1

Crafting Your Custom Game Plan

We start by understanding your unique credit profile. We review your credit score and profile from all three bureaus, plugging that info into my Google Sheet Master Template. This helps us determine how ready you are for your first round of funding and tailor the plan to fit your specific needs.

step 2

Fixing or Developing Your Credit

Gain the highest possible chance of approval by fixing or developing your FICO score and profile. This step ensures your credit is in top shape, setting a solid foundation for securing business funding.

step 3

Registering Your LLC/C-Corp

Next, we help you register your LLC or C-Corp with the proper NAICS code and name. Banks are very picky about certain industries and business names, and getting this right is crucial. We’ll also get your IRS EIN number, so you can open bank accounts without hassle.

step 4

Securing Your


Finally, we guide you through the application process for funding, both online and in person. With our mentorship, you’ll know exactly how to present yourself and your business to maximize your chances of getting funded.

When You Join The Life In Order Business Credit Funding Program, You’ll Get



Receive personalized mentoring on managing your funds and exploring business investment opportunities. Whether you already have a business or are looking to start one, we'll guide you on the best apps and services to protect and preserve your wealth and assets.

BONUS - Credit Card Liquidation

If you need cash ASAP, we can help you get it from your credit cards for a flat rate of 6%. This gives you more flexibility and immediate access to funds when you need them.

Private Equity Group Access

Join my private equity group and benefit from the collective momentum. Leverage the group's knowledge, experience, and resources to maximize your business potential.

Lifetime Access to Private Community Group

Connect with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are also going through the funding process. Expand your network, share experiences, and engage in joint ventures to mitigate risks and enhance success.

Accountability Calls

Stay on track with regular Zoom or phone calls tailored to your needs. These calls ensure you remain focused and motivated throughout the funding process.

When You Join The Life In Order Business Credit Funding Program, You’ll Get



Receive personalized mentoring on managing your funds and exploring business investment opportunities. Whether you already have a business or are looking to start one, we'll guide you on the best apps and services to protect and preserve your wealth and assets.

BONUS - Credit Card Liquidation

If you need cash ASAP, we can help you get it from your credit cards for a flat rate of 6%. This gives you more flexibility and immediate access to funds when you need them.

Private Equity Group Access

Join my private equity group and benefit from the collective momentum. Leverage the group's knowledge, experience, and resources to maximize your business potential.

Lifetime Access to Private Community Group

Connect with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are also going through the funding process. Expand your network, share experiences, and engage in joint ventures to mitigate risks and enhance success.

Accountability Calls

Stay on track with regular Zoom or phone calls tailored to your needs. These calls ensure you remain focused and motivated throughout the funding process.

I Guarantee You’ll Get The Funding You Need To Turn Your Business Dream Into Reality

When you join the Life In Order Business Credit Funding program, your investment will be backed by our Ironclad Success Guarantee. Here’s how it works…

If you go through this program and don’t secure any funding in your first 45 days, I will work with you until you do.

I may even give you a bridge loan to accelerate the funding process and ensure you get the support you need.

This means the program is essentially RISK FREE.

I Guarantee You’ll Get The Funding You Need To Turn Your Business Dream Into Reality

When you join the Life In Order Business Credit Funding program, your investment will be backed by our Ironclad Success Guarantee. Here’s how it works…

If you go through this program and don’t secure any funding in your first 45 days, I will work with you until you do.

I may even give you a bridge loan to accelerate the funding process and ensure you get the support you need.

This means the program is essentially RISK FREE.

What Would You Do With An Extra $95,000 To Build Your Dreams?

From Clue less About Credit to Securing $95k in Funding

Before working with me, Mel didn’t know what to do...

She was disorganized. Managing her life on paper instead of using her iPad and iPhone.

And she didn’t understand how using credit affected her score or how to leverage it to get business funding without hurting her personal credit.

But after just one week of my mentoring, Mel got organized digitally…

She learned how credit really works and secured over $95,000 in business funding.

And now, she’s ready for her second round of funding.

What Would You Do With An Extra $95,000 To Build Your Dreams?

From Clue less About Credit to Securing $95k in Funding

Before working with me, Mel didn’t know what to do...

She was disorganized. Managing her life on paper instead of using her iPad and iPhone.

And she didn’t understand how using credit affected her score or how to leverage it to get business funding without hurting her personal credit.

But after just one week of my mentoring, Mel got organized digitally…

She learned how credit really works and secured over $95,000 in business funding.

And now, she’s ready for her second round of funding.

Why I’m Committed To Helping You Secure

Business Funding…

I started this business because not so long ago I too struggled to secure funding and scale my own venture…

But by pure chance, I discovered a “glitch in the matrix” that allows anyone to get business funding easily and safely.

And when I saw so many aspiring entrepreneurs face the same challenges and frustration I faced… good people who just needed a break… I made it my mission to help them break free from financial barriers.

Now, I’m here to guide you and ensure you have the resources to build the successful business you’ve always envisioned. No more struggles – just pure, unstoppable growth.

Why I’m Committed To Helping You Secure

Business Funding…

I started this business because not so long ago I too struggled to secure funding and scale my own venture…

But by pure chance, I discovered a “glitch in the matrix” that allows anyone to get business funding easily and safely.

And when I saw so many aspiring entrepreneurs face the same challenges and frustration I faced… good people who just needed a break… I made it my mission to help them break free from financial barriers.

Now, I’m here to guide you and ensure you have the resources to build the successful business you’ve always envisioned. No more struggles – just pure, unstoppable growth.

Join The Life In Order Business Credit Funding Program Today & Transform Your Business Future

You’re not stuck or helpless. It’s time to confront the chaos and confusion that’s holding you back. If you don’t, your dreams will always remain out of reach.

The good news is, you now have a choice…

You can continue down this path, letting disorganization and lack of funding control and consume you. Or, you can take a bold step towards dominating your business dreams… a life filled with financial freedom, clarity, and unstoppable growth.

Click below and start your journey right now.

Join The Life In Order Business Credit Funding Program Today & Transform Your Business Future

You’re not stuck or helpless. It’s time to confront the chaos and confusion that’s holding you back. If you don’t, your dreams will always remain out of reach.

The good news is, you now have a choice…

You can continue down this path, letting disorganization and lack of funding control and consume you. Or, you can take a bold step towards dominating your business dreams… a life filled with financial freedom, clarity, and unstoppable growth.

Click below and start your journey right now.

Frequently Asked



  • Listen up, it might sound complicated, but that's why I'm here. I break it down step-by-step so even a rookie can follow.

  • You'll have my guidance every step of the way, making sure you understand and execute everything flawlessly. No more excuses – it's time to step up and take control of your financial future.


  • No more "what ifs," boss! If you’re serious about leveling up, you’ll make the time.

  • I’ve structured this program to fit into even the busiest schedules. With my accountability calls and support, you’ll stay on track and crush it, no matter how hectic life gets. It's all about commitment and the will to dominate.


  • Failure isn’t an option here. If you follow the program and don’t secure funding, I’ll work with you until you do

  • And if that’s not enough, I might even give you a bridge loan to accelerate the process. This program is designed to be foolproof – if you put in the work, you’ll see results. No excuses, just success.

©Copyright 2024 | Lio Life In Order

Frequently Asked



  • Listen up, it might sound complicated, but that's why I'm here. I break it down step-by-step so even a rookie can follow.

  • You'll have my guidance every step of the way, making sure you understand and execute everything flawlessly. No more excuses – it's time to step up and take control of your financial future.


  • No more "what ifs," boss! If you’re serious about leveling up, you’ll make the time.

  • I’ve structured this program to fit into even the busiest schedules. With my accountability calls and support, you’ll stay on track and crush it, no matter how hectic life gets. It's all about commitment and the will to dominate.


  • Failure isn’t an option here. If you follow the program and don’t secure funding, I’ll work with you until you do

  • And if that’s not enough, I might even give you a bridge loan to accelerate the process. This program is designed to be foolproof – if you put in the work, you’ll see results. No excuses, just success.

©Copyright 2024 | Lio Life In Order